Mandala Monday 021
Dec 27, 2021
Hey Friend!
Honestly, this is really just wishful thinking on my part. I’ve lived in Florida for almost 4 decades & I think I can remember it snowing three times. I know, I know, it’s hard to imagine snow in Florida, right? Well just picture powdered sugar on a plate of Café Du Monde beignets & you’ll get a pretty good picture of the weather event that can entirely shut down half a state. Not quite the definition of “snow day” that kept us kids digging tunnels & building snow men back in Oklahoma. Ah well, a girl can dream, can’t she?
I'd love to have you join me in the “Mandala Monday Club”. It’s FREE! Just click the blue button over there on the right to download a copy of this mandala to color as you wish. Happy coloring!
"Live Life Creative."
Music by Pixabay