Mandala Monday 036
Apr 11, 2022
Hey Friend!
I don’t believe there are any ugly colors. At least, I haven’t found one yet. Now, there are definitely colors that don’t play well together, but when appreciated as individuals I believe they all have merit. That idea is what led me to my challenge for this mandala.
See that brownish color next to the yellow, the one outlining the pink ovals in the outer circle? Yep, it’s that pink & brown that I just don’t think get along very well. I tried to make them behave by introducing ‘mutual friends’ so to speak. I’m still not sure if it worked. What do you think? (Be kind. These two colors are particularly sensitive.)
Join The Mandala Monday Club by clicking the purple button! I release a new mandala design every Sunday so you can color it & share in on Monday. It’s FREE!!
Happy Coloring!
“Live Life Creative”
Music by Pixabay